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Phuket relaxes entry restrictions

Phuket province has eased certain entry protocols for inter-provincial travelers, who are still asked to comply strictly with preventative measures ag

Chiang Mai Allows Reopening of Entertainment Venues

BANGKOK (NNT) - The Chiang Mai provincial communicable disease committee has approved the reopening of entertainment venues, including pubs, bars, kar

Ambassadors visit Phuket, viewing readiness to welcome foreign tourists

PHUKET (NNT) - Ambassadors from 15 countries have visited Phuket, as part of the island’s reopening to foreign tourists to enable economic recovery.
2021.02.18 Saint Louis Hospital

Saint Louis Hospital Service

18 medical service Saint Louis Hospital are ready 24/7 to take care every patient tel. 028385555

Certificate of Entry (COE) and Non-Immigrant Visa, Category O/B/ED

Category O Non-Thai nationals who are the spouse and children of a Thai national Category B Non-Thai nationals who hold a valid Work Permit Categ

Special Tourist Visa (STV)

Special Tourist Visa or STV is a new type of tourist visa for non-Thais who wish to enter Thailand as Long Stay tourists. A Single Entry visa valid fo