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COVID-19 vaccination to start within 3 days after arrival

COVID-19 vaccination to start within 3 days after arrival Thumb HealthServ.net
COVID-19 vaccination to start within 3 days after arrival ThumbMobile HealthServ.net

February 15, 2021, Prime Minister confirmed that the first 200,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine would arrive by the end of this month, and it would need 3-day preparation before the first dose of vaccine being given to a person from the prioritized risk group.

COVID-19 vaccination to start within 3 days after arrival HealthServ
According to the Prime Minister, the 2nd lot of vaccine (800,000 doses) and the 3rd lot (1,000,000 doses) will arrive one after another, some of which will be used as the 2nd shot for the first group. Apart from medical personnel and healthcare workers in the risky area, ordinary people in the high-risk groups, including labors and those in the tourism areas, will also be given the vaccines. Nevertheless, before the vaccines can be distributed to all groups of people throughout the country, wearing masks and social distancing remain the crucial measures to be observed.
The Prime Minister also disclosed that Food and Drugs Administrations has approved registration of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines, of which Thailand will receive 26 million doses, and later 35 million doses, in May and June. FDA is also deliberating the registration of Johnson & Johnson vaccines which is now under the documentation process, and is under negotiation with Moderna and Pfizer for the next phase of cooperation. The Prime Minister stressed that during the phase of vaccine Emergency Use, the private sector who wishes to import COVID-19 vaccines, although may do so as an alternative for the people, must obtain prior approval from the FDA, and follow the Government’s vaccination plan to ensure public safety.
February 15, 2021
