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Special Tourist Visa (STV)

Special Tourist Visa (STV) Thumb HealthServ.net
Special Tourist Visa (STV) ThumbMobile HealthServ.net

Special Tourist Visa or STV is a new type of tourist visa for non-Thais who wish to enter Thailand as Long Stay tourists. A Single Entry visa valid for 90 days after the date of issuance.

What is Special Tourist Visa or STV?
  • A new type of tourist visa for non-Thais who wish to enter Thailand as "Long Stay" tourists
  • A Single Entry visa valid for 90 days after the date of issuance
  • Permit to stay in Thailand for 90 days, and can be extended no more than twice (90 days each time)
  • Require 14-day quarantine in Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ)

Who is eligible to apply for a STV?
  • Non-Thais from COVID-19 low-risk countries*
  • Having the nationality or the residence in the country where his/her application is submitted.
    *List of countries is to be revised on the 1st and 15th of every month
What documents are required for applying for a STV?
  1. Original Passport (validity more than 12 months) and 2 copies of the picture page
  2. 2 original Visa Application Forms
  3. Health insurance covering the whole stay in Thailand from a Thai insurance company, with medical and accident expense coverage of at least 40,000 Thai Baht (or equivalent) for out-patient and at least 400,000 Thai Baht (or equivalent) for in-patient**
  4. Police verification in English stating no criminal record issued by the authority concerned of his/her nationality or residence
  5. Medical certificate showing no prohibitive diseases (Leprosy, Tuberculosis, Elephantiasis, drug addiction, alcoholism and 3rd step of Syphilis)
  6. ASQ booking confirmation for at least 14 days
  7. Proof of your accommodation in Thailand after quarantine:
    (1) Proof of payment for a hotel or other type of accommodation for the whole period of your stay in Thailand and an official Bank Statement issued by the bank with bank contact details showing a balance of not less than 500,000 Baht or equivalent over the last 6 months; or
    (2) a copy of certificate of ownership of a condominium unit in Thailand under your name or a member of your family; or 
    (3) proof of payments for purchase or lease of a condominium unit, with at least 2 installments paid (Otherwise, Bank Statement issued by the bank with bank contact details showing a balance of not less than 500,000 Baht or equivalent over the last 6 months is required.)
  8. Marriage certificate and birth certificate are required when travelling with your spouse and children under 20 years old.
  9. Visa Fee 500.- DKK
** For more information on health insurance, please visit https://longstay.tqia.org/.
Please note that holders of STV Visa still needs Certificate of Entry (COE) from the Embassy to complete the requirement to enter Thailand (please refer to the Paper:  "Non-Thais to trave/ to Thailand" for more details).
As of 21 October 2020

Royal Thai Embassy, Copenhagen, Denmark
  1. Please Note that, only non-Thais from countries included in the list of COVID-19 low-risk countries are eligible to apply for the Special Tourist Visa (STV). As of 1 November 2020, Denmark and Lithuania are not included in the list.
  2. The list of eligible countries for TR and STV will be updated on 1st and 15th of each month.
**For more information on health insurance, plese visit https://longstay.tgia.org/.