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Thailand’s FDA Approves Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 Vaccine

Thailand’s FDA Approves Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 Vaccine Thumb HealthServ.net
Thailand’s FDA Approves Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 Vaccine ThumbMobile HealthServ.net

BANGKOK (NNT) - The Food and Drug Administration has approved use of the single-shot Covid-19 vaccine produced by US pharmaceutical Johnson & Johnson (J&J). The J&J shot is the third vaccine approved by Thailand after the Sinovac and AstraZeneca jabs.

Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said the approval showed that Thailand is open to all vaccine manufacturers and is keen to provide more choices to its people.
He also invited more companies to register their vaccines with the Thai FDA, promising the government would not run a monopoly on vaccines.
According to the FDA, Bharat Biotech International Ltd has submitted some documents for approval, while Russia’s Sputnik V, China’s Sinopharm and Moderna Inc have shown interest in seeking local approvals.
26 Mar 2021
