ข่าวสุขภาพทั่วไป ข่าวธุรกิจสุขภาพไทย ข่าว/กิจกรรม/สาระ รพ.ต่างๆ ข้อมูลบริการ รพ.ต่างๆ สาระความรู้สุขภาพ กิจกรรม ESG CSR Health Economy บริจาครพ.ต่างๆ
About us เผยแพร่เนื้อหา สถิติเว็บไซต์ สำรวจความเห็นสุขภาพ โฆษณา

Type of Thai visa and How to apply

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There are 8 types of visa of Thailand and you can find completed guide how to apply for a Thai visa.

Nationals of certain countries are required to apply for a visa only at the Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Consulate-General in their country of residence or at the designated Thai Embassyl Consulate-General. Therefore, travellers are advised to contact the nearest Thai Embassy or Consulate-General to find out if they are eligible to lodge the application.

Information on location and contact number of Thai Embassies an Consulates-General is available at www.thaiembassy.org/


5 STEPs of visa processing

STEP 1: Choose your visa type in accordance with your purpose of visit and prepare for required document
STEP 2: Submit application at the Royal Thai Embassy or the Royal Thai Consulate-General and pay visa processing fee
STEP 3: The application and supporting documents will be checked. In case of the applicant fail to submit all the require documents, the application may be rejected without refunding the visa processing fee.
STEP 4: Visa Issuance process (Approve/Reject)
STEP 5: Collect your visa on the appointment date


Visa exemption

There are 5 countries which have concluded bilateral agreements on visa fee exemption with Thailand
  • Singapore
  • Malaysia
  • Philippines
  • Republic of Korea
  • Tunisia
Type of Thai visa and How to apply HealthServ


According to the Immigration Act of Thailand B.E. 2522 (1979), foreigners who fall into any of the following categories are prohibited to enter Thailand:
(1) Having no genuine valid passport or document used in lieu of passport; or having a genuine valid passport or document used in lieu of without valid visa issuance by the Royal Thai Embassies, the Royal Thai Consulates-General or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with exception  of those who meet visa exemption requirements. The terms and conditions of visa issuance and visa exemption are prescribed by the Ministerial Regulations.
(2) Having no appropriate means of living following entry into the Kingdom.
(3) Having entered the Kingdom to be employed as an unskilled or untrained labourer, or to work in violation of the Alien Work Permit Law.
(4) Being mentally unstable or having any of the diseases stated in the Ministerial Regulations.
(5) Having not yet been vaccinated against smallpox; or inoculated, or undergone any other medical treatment for protection against disease; and having refused to have such vaccinations administered by the Immigration Doctor.
(6) Having been imprisoned by judgment of the Thai Court; or by lawful injunction or judgment of the Court of a foreign country, except for when the penalty is for a petty offence, or negligence, or is provided for as an exception by the Ministerial Regulations.
(7) Having behaviour which could cause possible danger to the public; or having the likelihood of being a nuisance or constituting any violence to the peace, safety and security of the public or to the security of the nation; or being under warrant of arrest by competent officials of foreign governments.
(8) Reason to believe that entry into Kingdom is for the purpose of being involved in prostitution, the trafficking of women or children, drug smuggling, or other types of smuggling which are against public morality.
(9) Having no money or bond as prescribed by the Minister under Section 14 of the Immigration Act B.E. 2522 (1979).
(10) Being a person prohibited by the Minister under Section 16 of the Immigration Act B.E. 2522 (1979).
(11) Being deported by either the Government of Thailand or that of other foreigner countries; or having been revoked the right of stay in the Kingdom or in foreign countries; or having been expelled from the Kingdom by competent officials at the expense of the Government of Thailand unless exemption is provided by the Minister on an individual basis.

Non-Immigrant Visa “O-X” (Long Stay)
On 22 November 2016, the Cabinet of Thailand approved new scheme which allows nationals from 14 countries to stay in Thailand for the maximum period of 10 years. In order to enjoy this new scheme, the applicants must apply for Non-Immigrant Visa “O-X” (Long Stay) or so called Non-O-X Visa at the Royal Thai Embassy/Royal Thai Consulate-General (when applying outside Thailand) or the Immigration Bureau (when applying in Thailand). 
The purpose of this type of visa is to promote long stay for foreign traveler to Thailand. Nationals from 14 countries with the age of 50 years old or over can apply for a multiple-entry Non-O-X visa and stay in the Kingdom for the maximum period of 10 years
(5 years according to visa validity plus an extension for another 5 years). The visa fee is 10,000 Baht (or local currency equivalent if applying outside Thailand).
In accordance with the Notification of the Ministry of Interior Re: Authorization for Certain Groups of Aliens to Enter the Kingdom on an exceptional case on Long-Stay Purpose in accordance with the Cabinet Resolution, dated 22 November B.E. 2559 (2016) (effective from 11 August 2017), foreigners with the following qualifications and supporting documents may apply for a multiple-entry Non-O-X visa:                       
Applicants’ qualifications
               1. Age of 50 years old or over
               2. Applicants must hold passport and nationality of (1) Japan (2) Australia (3) Denmark (4) Finland (5) France (6) Germany (7) Italy (8) Netherlands (9) Norway (10) Sweden (11) Switzerland (12) United Kingdom (13) Canada (14) United States of America 
               3. Financial qualifications
(a) Applicants must have money deposited in Thai bank located in Thailand with the amount of not less than 3 million Baht; or
(b) Applicants must have money deposited in Thai bank located in Thailand with the amount of not less than 1.8 million Baht and have income with the amount of not less than 1.2 million Baht per year. Once the applicants enter Thailand, they must have accumulated money deposited in Thai bank located in Thailand not less than 3 million Baht within 1 year.
The money in (a) and (b) must be kept in bank account at least 1 year before withdrawing and, within another next year, the money must be left in the account with the amount of not less than 1.5 million Baht and can only be spent in Thailand. 
              4. Applicants must have no forbidden diseases according to the Ministerial Regulation No. 14 (B.E. 2535) which include Leprosy, Tuberculosis, Elephantiasis, drug addiction and third stage of Syphilis. 
              5. Applicants must have Thai medical insurance during their stay in Thailand (per the approval of the Office of Insurance Commission) and medical claims for outpatient must not be less than 40,000 Baht, for inpatient must not be less than 400,000 Baht.
Required Documentation
     1. Passport must be valid for at least six months from the date of travel.
     2. Three (3) application forms and 3 photographs (size 4 X 6 cm. taken within the last 6 months) 
     3. One (1) biography
     4. Financial evidence
                        4.1 Certificate of bank deposit stating bank contact information, copy of bank book and bank statement which shows fixed deposit with the amount of not less than 3 million Baht deposited in Thai bank located in Thailand;
                        4.2 Certificate of bank deposit stating bank contact information, copy of bank book and bank statement which shows fixed deposit with the amount of not less than 1.8 million Baht deposited in Thai bank located in Thailand and certificate of annual income with the amount of not less than 1.2 million Baht (local currency equivalent) per year. (Once the applicants enter Thailand, they must have accumulated money deposited in Thai bank located in Thailand not less than 3 million Baht within 1 year.)
    5. Certificate of criminal record clearance from the country of nationality. In case the applicants have permanent residence in other country, they must provide the aforementioned document from both country of nationality and country of permanent residence. 
    6. Medical certificate from the country where the applicants apply visa stating that applicants don’t have any prohibited diseases according to the Ministerial Regulation No. 14 (B.E.2535) which include Leprosy, Tuberculosis, Elephantiasis, drug addiction, third stage of Syphilis. The medical certificate must not be issued over 3 months. 
    7. Copy of evidence stating that applicants have insurance as per stipulated by the  Office of Insurance Commission and health insurance of Thailand which has insurance money for outpatient not less than 40,000 Baht and for inpatient not less than 400,000 Baht.
Please check < http://longstay.tgia.org > for more information regarding the insurance requirement.
    8. Visa fee: 10,000 Baht (local currency equivalent)
Spouse and child, age under 20 years old, can apply for Non-O-X visa and must have the following required documents
    9.  Spouse (no age restriction) must show a copy of marriage certificate together with documents
stated in 1-8.
    10. Child age under 20 years old must show a copy of birth certificate or proof of legitimate child and also have to submit documents number 1-3, 7 and 8
How to Apply for Non-O-X Visa (in case of applying outside Thailand)
1.      Foreigners who have the required qualifications and supporting documents as stated above may apply for Non-O-X Visa at the Royal Thai Embassy/Royal Thai Consulate-General in the country of their nationality or where they have permanent residence.
2.      The Royal Thai Embassy/Royal Thai Consulate-General examines the qualifications and supporting documents and informs the result to the applicants.
3.      In case that the visa is approved, foreigners (main applicant, spouse, and lawful child under 20 years old) will obtain a multiple-entry Non-O-X visa with visa validity of 5 years
4.      Upon arrival in Thailand, the immigration officer will grant the Non-O-X visa holders the stay permit in the Kingdom for the period of not exceeding 5 years according to visa validity.
Other Useful Information
            - Benefits of the Non-O-X visa holders
                        1) Can work as a volunteer (in accordance with the list of volunteer work as stipulated by the Department of Employment).
                        2) Can purchase vehicle (under the provision of laws on motor vehicles).
                        3) Can purchase condominium (proceed in accordance with the Condominium Act).
- Foreigners who enter Thailand with other type of Visa/Visa Exemption may contact the Immigration Bureau and apply for Non-O-X visa.
- Foreigners who enter Thailand with Non-O-X visa may change from Non-O-X to other type of Visa by submitting request to the Immigration Bureau. Spouse and child’s visa approval will be changed according to status of the main applicant. However, spouse can apply for Non-O-X by himself/ herself if he/she meets the qualifications.
            - Spouse/child who does not qualify for Non-O-X visa may apply for other type of non-immigrant visa in order to stay in Thailand with the Non-O-X visa holder.
            - Upon the completion of 90 days stay period in Thailand, foreigners must notify the Immigration Bureau of their residence in Thailand and shall repeat at every 90 days interval.
            - Foreigners must report, in person, to the immigration officer every 1 year for the examination of the qualifications and supporting documents.
            - Stay permit of the Non-O-X visa holders may be revoked due to following conditions:
                        1) Foreigners do not have financial evidence as per stipulated by above qualifications such as:
                                    - The sum of money in the bank account is less than 3 million Baht at the end of the first year of stay period in Thailand.
                                    - the sum of money in the bank account is less than 1.5 million Baht at the end of the second year of stay period in Thailand, and/or the money in said account was spent outside Thailand.
                        2) Foreigners do not have insurance as per stipulated by above qualifications.
                        3) Foreigners pose threat to peace and security of Thailand.
                        4) Foreigners work without permission. 
This type of visa is issued to applicants who wish to enter the Kingdom for
tourism purposes.
**Employment in Thailand is prohibited**
• Passport or travel document with validity not less than 6 months
• Visa application form completely filled out
• Evidence of travel from Thailand (confirmed air ticket paid in full)
• Recent (4x6 cm.) photograph of the applicant
• Evidence of flight itinerary to and from Thailand
• Evidence of adequate finance (20,000 Baht per person or 40,000 Baht per family)
• NOTE: Consular officers reserve the rights to request additional documents as deemed
• 1000 Baht per entry (in the local currency) 
• The validity of a visa is 3 months (single entry) or 6 months (multiple entry)
• Upon arrival, travellers with this type of visa will be permitted to stay in Thailand for a period of not exceeding 60 days.
• Those who wish to stay longer or may wish to change their type of visa must file an application for permission at the Office of Immigration Bureau located on Government Center B, Chaengwattana Soi 7, Laksi, Bangkok 10210, Tel 0-2141-9889 (or at http://www.immigration.go.th ). The extension of stay as well as the change of certain type of visa is solely at the discretion of the Immigration officer.

Transit Visa

Transit Visa
This type of visa is issued to applicants who wish to enter the Kingdom for the following purposes :
• To travel in transit through the Kingdom in order to proceed to the country of destination or to re-enter his/her own country (category "TS")
• To participate in sports activities (category "S")
Note: Those who are scheduled to stay in the Kingdom longer than one month , NonImmigrant Visa category “O” can be issued to them
• The person in charge or crew of a conveyance coming to a port, station or area in the Kingdom (category "C")
**Employment in Thailand is prohibited**
• Passport or travel document with validity not less than 6 months
• Visa application form completely filled out
• Evidence of travel from Thailand (confirmed air ticket paid in full)
• Recent (4x6 cm.) photograph of the applicant
• Evidence of adequate finance (10,000 Baht per person or 20,000 Baht per family)
• Visa of a third country in a passport or travel document
• Letter of invitation stating the application’s participation in sports activities in the Kingdom
• NOTE: Consular officers reserve 
the rights to request additional documents as deemed necessary
• 800 Baht per entry (Visa fee may be changed without prior notice)
• The validity of a visa is three months.
• Travellers coming to Thailand with this type of visa will be permitted to stay in the Kingdom for a period not exceeding 30 days.
• Those who wish to stay longer or may wish to change their type of visa must file an application for an extension at the Office of Immigration Bureau located on Government Center B, Chaengwattana Soi 7, Laksi, Bangkok 10210, Tel 0-2141-9889 (or at http://www.immigration.go.th ). The extension of stay as well as the change of certain type of visa is solely at the discretion of the Immigration officer. (For more information please visit http://www.thaiembassy.org/ ).
"F"(Official) : To perform official duties (using ordinary passport)
"B" (Business) : To conduct business / to be employed/internship (extra curricular)
"IB" (Investment through BOI) : To invest or perform other activities relating to investment, subject to the provision of the established laws on investment promotion
"ED" (Education) :  To study, to have a study tour or technical visit to government agencies, intentional organisation, to participate in projects, seminars, conference or training course conducted by government agencies or intentional organization ,
to participate in buddhism activities approved by related gavernment agencies
"M" (Mass Media) : To work as a journalist, reporter or film production team
"R" (Religion) : To perform missionary work or other religious activities with the
concurrence of the Thai concerned Ministries or relevant Government
"EX" : To work as an expert or specialist in a specific field
"RS" : To conduct scientifc research, training or teaching in a research institute
(with an approval from The National Research Council of Thailand)
"O" : Others (for more information see .....)

Diplomatic / Official Visa & Courtesy Visa

• Upon official request, Thai Embassies and Consulates-General may grant visas to diplomatic or official passport-holders who wish to assume duties at a foreign Diplomatic Mission or Consulate or International Organization in the Kingdom and to their family members.
• Supporting documents are Note Verbal and/or documents issued by the foreign government or international organization, certifying the identity of the person concerned and his/her purposes while residing in the Kingdom.

Courtesy Visa

• Upon offcial request, Thai Embassies and Consulates-General may grant courtesy visas to diplomatic/offcial/ordinary passport-holders who wish to enter the Kingdom on personal purposes.
• Supporting documents are documents issued by the governmental agency, foreign government or international organization, certifying the identity of the person concerned and his/her purposes while visiting the Kingdom.

Non-Immigrant Visa "O" and "O-A"

Non-Immigrant Visa "O"
ㆍ To stay with the family
ㆍ To stay as a diplomat’s servant
ㆍ To perform duties for the state enterprise or social welfare organizations
ㆍ To stay after retirement for the elderly
ㆍ To stay in the kingdom of Thailand as a former Thai citizen
ㆍTo receive medical treatment
ㆍ To be a contestant or witness for the judicial process.
ㆍ To stay in the kingdom as a stepfather/stepmother of Thai citizen
or as a daughter/son of stepfather/stepmother who has Thai nationality
Non-Immigrant Visa "O-A"
This type of visa may be issued to applicants aged 50 years and over who wish to stay in Thailand for a period of not exceeding 1 year without the intention of working. Holder of this type of visa is allowed to stay in Thailand for 1 year. Employment of any kind is strictly prohibited.
Who is Eligible?
ㆍ Applicant must be aged 50 years and over (on the day of submitting application).
ㆍ Applicant not prohibited from entering the Kingdom as provided by the Immigration Act B.E. 2522 (1979).
ㆍ Having no criminal record in Thailand and the country of the applicant’s nationality or residence.
ㆍHaving the nationality of or permanent residence in the country where application is submitted.
ㆍ Not having prohibitive diseases ( Leprosy, Tuberculosis, drug addiction, Elephantiasis,third phase of Syphilis) as indicated in the
Ministerial Regulation No. 14 B.E. 2535.
**Employment in Thailand is prohibited**

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