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51-year-old guy marijuana overdosed

51-year-old guy marijuana overdosed Thumb HealthServ.net
51-year-old guy marijuana overdosed ThumbMobile HealthServ.net

51-year-old guy marijuana overdosed

51-year-old guy marijuana overdosed HealthServ
Mr. Chatchart Sitthiphan, Governor of Bangkok, reported on June 14, 2022, that the Medical Office discovered a patient from marijuana overdose in Bangkok after unlocking marijuana, a total of 4 instances, 1 fatality, a 51-year-old male, the youngest patient found 16 years old.

Cannabis overdose victims admitted to Bangkok Medical Office-affiliated institutions.
Taksin Hospital instances, guys ages 17 and 25, palpitations (presumably caused by side effects from marijuana use).
1 guy, 51 years old, Charoenkrung Pracharak Hospital, chest discomfort following marijuana usage, heart failure and cardiac arrest (death).
1 boy, aged 16 years 6 months, heavy marijuana usage Overdose, now on ET tube, in ICU, Luang Phor Thaweesak Hospital Chutintharoutit.

Because of the death case, the Governor of Bangkok may make an announcement that all Bangkok schools would be cannabis-free in order to avoid child abuse.
51-year-old guy marijuana overdosed HealthServ

โปรดใช้ถ้อยคำสุภาพ เหมาะสม เพื่อบรรยากาศที่ดีในการสนทนา และแบ่งปันข้อมูลอันมีคุณค่าต่อกัน
