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Suvarnabhumi Airport is set to open on June 1st

On 30 May 2022, Saksayam Chidchob, Minister of Transport (MOT), took an inspection tour of the Suvarnabhumi Airport to ensure its compliance to the further relaxation of Covid-19 entry rules that take effect on 1st June.

 Mr. Saksayam, accompanied by senior MOT officials, were taken on a tour by top executives of the Airports of Thailand Plc. (AOT) including Vice Chairman Sarawut Songsivilai, President Nitinai Sirismatthakarn, Suvarnabhumi Airport General Manager Kittipong Kittikachorn and Senior Executive Vice President (Engineering and Construction) Kerati Kijmanawat.
 The ministry team has focussed on the preparation and process of facilitating international arrivals consistent with the latest guidelines issued by the Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA).
 The inspection started from the screening of the international communicable disease control, to passport and customs checkpoints.

Useful Entering info in languages 

  Mr. Saksayam then presided over a video conference at the AOB 1 meeting room of the Svarnabhumi Airport’s office to get a briefing on the readiness of the five other AOT-operated airports in implementing the CCSA’s new entry protocols for in-bound air passengers. The briefings were from heads of the Don Mueang, Chiang Mai, Mae Fah Luang Chiang Rai, Hat Yai Airport and Phuket airports. Senior officials of other government agencies with airport related functions such as the International Communicable Disease Control Checkpoint and Immigration Division 2 also updated the MOT team on their compliance to the easing of CCSA’s entry requirements.  
 Later, the minister chaired the meeting of the heads of departments under MOT and holding a press conference on the results of his inspection tour at the Banquet Room 1, Suvarnabhumi Airport’s office.
 Upon being advised on CCSA’s resolution to further relax entry requirements, the Suvarnabhumi Airport has promptly begun to work with Emergency Operation Center (EOC) to act accordingly with the new screening procedure so that international arrivals are handled properly and efficiently from 1st June onwards.  The process of travel to Thailand infographic is shown below:
With the easing of Covid-19 requirements, the Suvarnabhumi Airport expects traffic passing through the air hub to rise gradually, with passenger throughput increasing from a daily average of about 64,000 in May to 68,000 in June, 57% of whom are international passengers and 43% domestic.
 Aircraft movements are projected to grow in tandem, from a daily average of about 440 in May to 480 in June, breaking down into 55% international flights and 45% domestic.
 Meanwhile, the International Communicable Disease Control Checkpoint has activated screening procedures for Monkeypox among travellers from countries requiring special surveillance. 
 Procedures have been established for passengers who fall into suspicious criteria in regard of disease investigation and referring them to the Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases Institute.
 The Suvarnabhumi Airport and related agencies are ready to support the operation. 

โปรดใช้ถ้อยคำสุภาพ เหมาะสม เพื่อบรรยากาศที่ดีในการสนทนา และแบ่งปันข้อมูลอันมีคุณค่าต่อกัน
